1. Write a program to check whether a number is an Armstrong number or not. 
  2. Write a program to sort a stream of Strings. 
  3. Write a program to perform multiplication of two matrices. 
  4. Write a program to find the volume of a box having its side w, h, d means width, height and depth. Its volume isv=w*h*d and also find the surface area given by the formula s=2(wh+hd+dw), use appropriate constructors for theabove. 
  5. Develop a program to illustrate a copy constructor so that a string may be duplicated into another variable either byassignment or copying. 
  6. Create a base class called shape. It contains two methods getxyvalue() and showxyvalue() for accepting co-ordinatesand to display the same. Create the subclass called Rectangle which contains a method to display the length andbreadth of the rectangle called showxyvalue().Use overriding concept. 
  7. Write a program that creates an abstract class called dimension, creates two subclasses, rectangle and triangle. Include appropriate methods for both the subclass that calculate and display the area of the rectangle and triangle. 
  8. Write a program which throws Arithmetic Exception. Note the output; write another class (in a different file) that handles the Exception. 
  9. Create a user defined Exception class which throws Exception when the user inputs the marks greater than 100. 
  10. Write a program in which a Mythread class is created by extending the Thread class. In another class, create objects of the Mythread class and run them. In the run method print “CSVTU” 10 times. Identify each thread by setting the name. 
  11. Write a program using InetAddress class and also show the utility of URL and URL Connection classes. 
  12. Write a program which illustrates capturing of Mouse Events. Use Applet class for this. 
  13. Write a program using RMI in which a simple remote method is implemented. 
  14. Write a servlet program using HttpServlet class. Also give the appropriate HTML file which posts data to the servlet. 
  15. Write a JDBC program for Student Mark List Processing. 
  16. Design a text editor which is having some of the features of notepad.